ONE IRISH ROVER Van Morrison Tribute Band
BIO: Patrick Michael Garvey
Putting together the best of the old, new, and eclectic songs of Van Morrison that span over 6 decades of musical genius has been daunting but delivering it in a several hours show has been painstaking for both me and the musicians. Our goal was to achieve and recreate the feel of his live performances in look, sound, style and presence which was incredibly challenging. I respectfully believe we met the goal we were shooting for. Van fans will be the real judge of that!
Since 1967 I have savored every album and recording while singing along to the incredibly melodic and mystical Irish genius of George Ivan Morrison (Van’s) musical works. I have always been taken by the spiritual intent of his writings and interesting combinations of rhythmic creativity that is uniquely Van Morrison’s signature and ever-changing style.
I felt compelled to keep Sir Van’s magic and spirit of his incredible musical genius alive and going across his 5-decade career. I hope I have done that. It has certainly been both a blessing and honor to help recreate his music and presence which has been my objective.
Take a ride with me through Vans collection of Blues, Soul and Rock ballads all blended in a Celtic Stew of uplifting beats, heart- felt searching for understanding, soul touching melodies, and jazzy compilations that deliver you back to a rustic Irish Pub somewhere in the countryside of Ireland where the beer, Irish whiskey and music are flow warmly together until the “we hours of the mornin”.
It has long been a passion of mine to present some of the greatest music on the planet composed and written by ‘Van the Man” Morrison. Join me in that celebration!
You get all the things you love most about being a music fan! Join the Sneak Peak Club today and start enjoying your member benefits now!
Sign up nowTickets are available online,, by calling Ticketmaster directly (800-745-3000) and at the Penn's Peak Box Office (walk up only, no phone orders) during normal business hours: Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 6:00pm and on event nights. Our box office hours vary so please give us a toll-free courtesy call (866-605-7325) to ensure we are in a position to better serve you. Tickets can also be purchased at Roadies Restaurant and Bar hostess stand during normal business hours (walk up only-no phone orders). All tickets purchased are subject to a transaction fee.
Penn's Peak, a beautiful mountaintop entertainment venue located in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, can comfortably host 1,800 concertgoers. Enjoy a spacious dance floor, lofty ceilings, concert bar/concession area and a full service restaurant and bar aptly named Roadies.
At Penn's Peak, we have a unique membership club called the "Sneak Peak Club". One of the many benefits of being a club member is the ability to purchase tickets prior to the general public on-sale date. We have a Sneak Peak Club coordinator available to take all ticket orders from club members.
Unfortunately, by agreement, we are unable to conduct phone transactions for tickets. In order to avoid Ticketmaster charges, concert tickets can be purchased in person at the Penn's Peak Box Office or at Roadies Restaurant & Bar.
If you plan on seeing more than one show a year at Penn's Peak, you may want to consider our Membership Club. The Sneak Peak Club offers members the privilege of ordering via email or over the phone, while avoiding all Ticketmaster fees!
Click here for more information about the club.
Penn's Peak generally has two types of shows: Reserved Seating and General Admission. For a general admission show, the seats are first come, first serve and you may sit anywhere!